Thank you again to all who helped with the festival. It was a great witness to have so many people working together with peace and love. One beautiful account I would like to share with you is one young girl, came up to the grill tent and said, "I need a water, I am a worker." This young lady, maybe ten- twelve years old self-identified as a festival volunteer, as a parishioner who had taken ownership. Another young girl went to her father and said, "we have to stay until 10:30, because I have a shift from 10-10:30." Our dancers danced with enthusiasm and joy. Several young boys also worked hard making popcorn, snow cones, and hot dogs. What a beautiful encouragement to see our young children so involved, and working together peacefully and joyfully.
Thank you to all who helped organize the festival, and took leadership roles including some of our young adults. Thank you to those who welcomed and taught new volunteers and new parishioners. Thank you to those who served the food line who helped serve hundreds of sandwiches and dinners including kitchen workers, grillers, fryers, runners, order takers, sandwich rollers and cashiers. Thank you to the sajj booth volunteers who showed off mountain bread and zaatar. Thank you to the Sitti's place booth responsible for raffle and cultural gifts. Thank you to the drink booth volunteers whose drinks kept temperatures cool and spirits light, while showing off the sophistication of Lebanese wine and beer. Thank you to everyone who treated the community service workers with such love and dignity, they thanked us for our welcome. Thank you to everyone who helped with set up and tear down, a necessary, but often overlooked task.
I heard compliments of how well the festival was organized and how good the food was. Three news organization attended our festival. Our vendors and entertainers were happy and grateful for our hospitality.
This year our event revenues, not including sponsorships were $46,112.18 including a record breaking Friday and Sunday. We have also collected a record breaking $8750 in sponsorships. Final totals will be available in the coming weeks. Thank you again to all who helped make this possible.

- St. Vincent dePaul First Saturday of Every month 6:30 pm- 8 pm serving meal at men's Gettysburg shelter 1921 S Gettysburg Ave, Dayton, OH 45417. - Special festival thank you September 8th after both liturgies. - House of Bread volunteering 9 am - 2 pm Wednesday, September 12. -Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross Friday, September 14 7pm vigil liturgy. - Maronite Young Adult Convention in Washington, DC October 5-7. - Camping trip in October. -Bishop Elias visit Friday through Sunday December 7-9. With meet and greet, spiritual talk, liturgies, Saturday Night Dinner, and raffle.
- Initiatives- To what is God calling you? What are your hopes, dreams, and ideas for our parish? What do you want to do? Mission, charity, prayers, work, fundraisers, or maintenance? How can we support you?
There will be liturgy Friday September 7 at 6 pm and Saturday, September 8 at 10 am. There will be no liturgy Wednesday, Aug 29 or Saturday, September 1.