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June 10 Bulletin

Writer's picture: stiparishorgstiparishorg

Facebook: St Ignatius of Antioch - Dayton, OH

Blessed are the eyes that see what you see! For I tell you that many prophets and kings desired to see what you see, but did not see it, and to hear what you hear, but did not hear it.’ (Luke 10:24) What is the most impressive thing you have ever seen? Is it a great ocean, or the mountains, or a Broadway musical, or a big-budget movie? Was it the sight of your Homeland after many years away, the site of a friend who you haven't seen for decades, the first glimpse of your child, or a bride enters the church? What is the most important word you have ever heard? Was it the promise of promotion, a proposal for marriage, or the news that you were going to be a grandparent? The most important words that I have ever heard, were the words of my baptism which I as an infant could not comprehend. These words allow me to hear the words the body and blood of our Lord Jesus Christ are given to you for the Forgiveness of sins and for everlasting life. The words of my baptism also open up for me the possibility of understanding the scriptures as living words. The most beautiful sight my eyes have seen are the cross, the church, and the Christian. The beauty of these sites and words are surpassed only by God who gives them to us and the love with which he gives them. This Love is tangible, is visible, is hearable, is experiential. God's love is real. The prophets and Kings long to know God as closely and as intimately as we are able to know him. The apostles before Pentecost could not fathom what God had yet to give to the church. When someone sees a beautiful movie they tell others about it. When someone hears a beautiful song they share it. The church shares with us the most beautiful event, the most beautiful words, the most beautiful sight because the church was made from this beautiful love. If we don't understand what it is that Jesus is telling us about something so beautiful, then we need to stop everything else until we understand in part and until we glimpse how beautiful is the love of Jesus. It is worth setting aside our Hobbies or taking a sabbatical from work or school to discover the love Jesus. It is worth going broke, going hungry, becoming unpopular, being looked down upon to discover this love of Jesus.

-Fr. Alex Harb


Upcoming events:

-Liturgy will be offered for all of the graduates on Sunday, June 10.

-This Thursday June 14 we will be hosting an ice cream social for kids and youth from 6:30 to 8:30 PM, with games, spiritual activities, and dinner.

-Initiatives- To what is God calling you?  What are your hopes, dreams, and ideas for our parish?  What do you want to do? Mission, charity, prayers, work, fundraisers, or maintenance? How can we support you?

- Veneration and welcome of the relics of the Blessed Massabki Brothers Sunday, July 8th and Tuesday July 10th

- Veneration and welcome of the relics of St. Sharbel Monday, July 23

- Maronite University a for college or graduate credit Syriac class July 16th-August 3rd

- Pilgrimage trip to Our Lady of Lebanon Shrine and Basilica August 15

- Summer camp for kids- we are considering the last week of July from 9:30-2:30 .

- Women's prayer group- no announcements

- High School and Middle School group (MYO)- dates to be announced

- We are exploring the idea of English classes. Anyone interested in teaching or taking the class please let Fr. Alex know.

- Please turn in your pledges. Fr. Alex will begin calling this week to ask for pledges. Design meetings will begin soon. The majority of votes have been for building a $600,000 to $700,000 project on the property to include new church, parking, and upgraded to kitchen and hall. However, we are still short on firm commitments of pledges.We are at $1085 in committed monthly pledges with an additional $500-$1000 in soft pledges, "Father, you know we will pledge." There is much reason for optimism.

POSTPONED Church-wide garage sale small fundraiser. POSTPONED. The event will be held in the next few months and we will collect furniture and household donations to sell to benefit the Church. Weekly events:

- Liturgies Tuesday-Friday 6pm Saturday 10am

- Sunday 9 am and 11 am

- Confession by appointment

- Bar Louis meet up Tuesday 8pm

- Children's Arabic class Saturday 10 am

- Adult Arabic class Saturday 11am

- Children's Dabke class Saturday 11 am

- Adult Dabke class Sunday 8 pm

- Children's Art class Saturday noon

- Bible Study Sunday 10am

Sunday Readings- First Letter to the Corinthians 2:11-16

- Holy Gospel (Saint Luke 10:21-24): At that very moment he rejoiced (in) the holy Spirit and said, "I give you praise, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, for although you have hidden these things from the wise and the learned you have revealed them to the childlike. Yes, Father, such has been your gracious will. All things have been handed over to me by my Father. No one knows who the Son is except the Father, and who the Father is except the Son and anyone to whom the Son wishes to reveal him." Turning to the disciples in private he said, "Blessed are the eyes that see what you see. For I say to you, many prophets and kings desired to see what you see, but did not see it, and to hear what you hear, but did not hear it." Saint of the Week St Bartholomew of the Twelve, Apostle

The Apostle Bartholomew (also known as Nathaniel) was one of the Twelve Great Apostles. He is referenced in the Synoptic Gospels and in the Acts of the Apostles. His feast days are celebrated on June 11 (with St. Barnabas) and August 25 (the translation of his relics). It is believed that he is the same person comemerated on April 22 with Apostles Luke and Clement as Nathaniel of the Seventy.

After the Ascension of Christ, Bartholomew preached in Asia with the Apostle Philip, Philip's sister Mariamma, and Apostle John. He later preached in India and then Armenia where he was martyred. Prior to India, he was crucified upside down in Hierapolis with the Apostle Philip for causing the death of a great serpent the people worshiped and healing people through prayer. He was removed from the cross during a great earthquake because the people thought God was judging them; St. Philip had already reposed.

He then went to India, translated the Gospel of Matthew and cured the Armenian king's daughter of insanity; but the king's envious brother had him crucified, skinned him, and finally beheaded him.

Christians buried his body but because of the miracles happening over his relics the pagans threw his coffin into the sea. The coffin ended up at the island of Lipara where Bishop Agathon—who met it via a revelation in a dream—buried it in a church. St. Bartholomew appeared to St. Joseph the Hymnographer and blessed him that he might be able to sing spiritual hymns, saying, "Let heavenly water of wisdom flow from your tongue!" He also appeared to Emperor Anastasius I (491-518) and told him that he would protect the new town of Dara. Later his relics were translated to Rome where miracles continue to occur.

St. Ignatius Kroger RewardsIf you shop at Kroger and have a Kroger Plus card, please link your card(s) and/or your alternate ID number (your phone number) to theChurch’s ID #22101.

How do I register and link my card(s)/phone number? Enroll your Kroger Plus card on line by going to Kroger’s secure website at or by calling 1-800-576-4377 and select Option 3, and a customer service representative will be happy to help you.

Simply by linking your Kroger Plus card(s)/phone number to St. Ignatius, the Church stands to gain anywhere between $25 to $50,000 per quarter just by your swiping your card each time you shop at Kroger!

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