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Does the Church have a purpose?

Writer's picture: stiparishorgstiparishorg

The Church is like an ark.

In a small high school far away, a group wanted to take care of the environment. They had the small goal of wanting to recycle the paper used in the school. The club became popular and grew in members. Students and teachers began to take notice. Soon the principal and local politicians got involved. There were rallys, posters, and benefit concerts all to support the Recycling club. The original organizers were flown around the country and received medals of honor. The club raised $250,000 in one year and newspapers lauded their success. At the last meeting of the the student board, the teacher advisory board, and the professional advisory board reviewed 500 pages of financial documents and lauded themselves at the awareness that had been achieved. When the meeting was over the janitor came in and collected several thousand sheets of paper, all of those financial documents and threw them away, because there were still no recycle bins for paper in the school.

Every secular organization is established for a purpose, and if they do not achieve that goal, then they fail. Jesus established a church - to make disciples, to spread the good news and that a family of peace may be established. Paul writes, “ Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace.” (Colossians 3:15a) Peace in the Church is a sign that Jesus is the Messiah, Jesus prayed, “The glory that you have given me I have given to them, that they may be one even as we are one, I in them and you in me, that they may become perfectly one, so that the world may know that you sent me and loved them even as you loved me. “ (John 17:22-23)

If we as a Church are not willing to have peace among ourselves and reconcile with one another and forgive one another then we are failing in our mission to love, failing in our mission to be disciples, and failing in our mission to preach the good news to the world.

Children’s Religious Education this Sunday at 10 am. Service hours for teenagers looking to be teaching assistants and fun activity organizers during the 10am-11am slot and beyond.

- St. Vincent dePaul First Saturday of Every month 6:30 pm - 8 pm serving meal at men's Gettysburg shelter 1921 S Gettysburg Ave, Dayton, OH 45417.

- 40 day memorial liturgy for Georgette Haddad mother of Rita Najem on November 4 at 11 am. Our condolences to the Haddad and Najem families, may Georgette rest in peace.

- Card and game night Wednesday, November 7 at 7 pm in the Church hall.

- Thanksgiving dinner Sunday, November 11 after the 11 am liturgy. Please see Trish Zenni, Rita Najem, or Fr. Alex if you would like to bring a dish.

- House of Bread Thursday, November 15 9am-2:30 pm. Come all or part at 9 Orth Avenue.

-Tough topic November 18- Marriage and children

- Bishop Elias visit Friday through Sunday December 7-9. With meet and greet, spiritual talk, liturgies, Saturday Night Dinner, and raffle. Tickets for the dinner are available this Sunday.

- Liturgy with Bishop Elias 11 am December 8 with lunch to follow.

- Reconciliation and family peace meetings with Bishop Elias by reservation 1 - 5 pm.

- Liturgy with Bishop Elias 11 am December 9 with reception to follow.

- Nominations are being accepted for the following awards to be awarded Saturday December 8: Faithful family award, Volunteer of the Year award, Young and Faithful Award (12-17), Good and faithful servant award (lifetime achievement), 1 Timothy 4:12 award (18-35), Faith of a child award (5-11)

-Who wants to go Christmas caroling this year? Please speak with Marianna, Rita, or Fr. Alex if you want to participate.

- Reviewing the parish feedback has begun. More information forthcoming. - Initiatives- To what is God calling you? What are your hopes, dreams, and ideas for our parish? What do you want to do? Mission, charity, prayers, work, fundraisers, or maintenance? How can we support you? -Bible Study every Sunday at 10 am. -Liturgies Wednesday and Thursday at 7 pm, Friday at 6pm.

-Spanish Liturgy 6 pm Saturday. Sunday liturgies 9 am and 11 am -Confessions immediately before and after daily liturgies or by appointment. -Arabic Class for Children 10 am Saturday,

-Arabic Class for Adults 11:15am Saturday

-Art Class for children 12 noon Saturday

St. Ignatius of Antioch Sunday of the Consecration of the Church November 4, 2018

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