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Announcement to Zechariah

Writer's picture: stiparishorgstiparishorg

When we praise our friends, we call them family. When we praise our family, we call them friends. In the two readings fot this Sunday we see two kinds of family. The Gospel revolves around the announcement that Zachariah would have a son- a relative by blood. In the first reading we hear that Abraham is our father not because we are his blood descendants, but because of our faith and righteousness.

From our creation at conception we are children of God. We are his "blood descendents." By faith at baptism we become children of God because of the righteousness of Jesus. We become "friends of God". Jesus says, "I no longer call you servants, I call you friends. " (John 15:15).

When parents have a healthy relationship with their children they create a place for friendship with their children when they become adults. A healthy relationship is built on trust, love, mercy, and forgiveness. A healthy relationship practices good habits and communication.Often this takes the form of not being false friends with one's children when they are young. A false friend treats a child as if they are an adult without need of formation. Being a false friend means neglecting one's parenting role. Being a false friend means that your child likes you because you never have difficult conversations with them. It is holy and good for parents to tell their child the truth, even when it is not what the child wants to hear. 

God loves us more than any parent can, because parents are a sign of God. God loves us more than any friend can, because the love of friendship points to the love of God. God loves us more than we can know or imagine.


- Pinning Ceremony beginning of 11a mass

- Coat Drive Fundraiser following 11a mass: Falafel Sandwiches $6 each Please bring new or gently used coats for donation.

-Cogratulations to the 21 people have been nominated for the pastoral committee. Thank you to the 8 people who have so far accepted nominations. The committee can be up to 9 people. As such there may be no need for an election November 24th if we do not have more people run. Please let Fr. Alex know if you would like to be added.

-Family Dedication, renewal, and consecration- November 3 and November 10 we celebrate the Consecration of the Church and the Renewal of the Church, on December 15th Bishop Elias will be dedicating and consecrating our new home, and during Christmas we see Jesus entering the Holy Family. During this period, we should take time to renew, dedicate, and consecrate our families.

-Home Bible Q & A! Do you have questions about faith or the Bible? Host a Home Bible Q & A. 1) Schedule a date and location with Fr. Alex. 2) Invite your friends. 3) Prepare your questions. Note: this is not a Bible study or Bible meditation, which anyone can initiate

- Thursday November 7, 14, 21, and December 5 - mass and prayer hour for parish renewal and family consecration.

- House of Bread, November 13th 9 am - 2:30 pm 9 Orth Avenue

-Feast of St. Barbara - December 4th.

-Feast of St. Nicholas- December 6th.

-Church Organizing and cleaning November 9th at 50 Nutt Rd.

-Pastoral Council Elections will be Sunday, November 24th after liturgy. We would like to thank those whose three year term of service will end December 31st: Claire Daoud, Joe Eid, Al Faris, Marianna Hartshorne, Don Little, Rita Najem, William Thomas, Jim Zaidan, and Trish Zennie. Their contributions, dedication, consultation, initiatives, and leadership have served the parish through 3 administrators and the purchase of our new home. Please begin submitting your nominations of people, including yourself by turning in the names on a folded sheet of paper in the collection basket with “Nomination”,written on the outside now through October 27th. 

-We are beginning a feasibility discussion for starting a Daycare. Please speak with Fr. Alex if you have input or would like to be involved in this discussion.

-We have had suggestions for a men’s club, for a grief support group, and for a retiree get-together club. Please let Fr. Alex know if you would have any interest in any of these groups.

-Thanksgiving Dinner Sunday, November 24th after the 11 am liturgy. -                                             St. Anthony of Padua 

Fall festival is Sunday before Thanksgiving November 24th, 2019 12pm-8pm

-Christmas decorations- Sunday, December 1 after both liturgies.

- Annual St. Ignatius of Antioch Banquet Saturday, December 14th with Bishop Elias at Yankee Trace at 7pm with live music planned $65 per person with discounted ticket for kids 12 and under. 

-Photo directory- during the banquet and before and after the dedication December 14th and 15th, we will have the opportunity to take free family photos, you will receive a free directory. We want every family to take photos.

-Consecration and dedication: Bishop Elias will consecrate and dedicate our new home on December 15th at 11.  

-We will need at least 6 adults to read, 8 adults to dress the altar, and at least 10 youth for the processions for the dedication of our new Church. 

- Christmas Novena December 16th - December 24th.

- Initiatives- To what is God calling you? What are your hopes, dreams, and ideas for our parish? What do you want to do? Mission, charity, prayers, work, fundraisers, or maintenance? How can we support you?

-Religious education sign up. This year we are planning to have religious education every Sunday after 11 am liturgy. We hope to have classes for all ages. Please submit a form into the collection basket with your name, number, email address, and your child(ren)’s name(s), age, and grade.

- Our prayers for those who are recently engaged in our parish. 

-We need volunteers to read during the liturgy and to bring the gifts. If you would like to do so, please see George Najem for 11 am liturgy or Jim Zaidan for the 9 am Liturgy.

- Our prayers for new births and new parents in our parish.

- Bible Study every Sunday at 10 am.

- Sunday liturgies 9 am and 11 am

- Confessions immediately before and after liturgies or by appointment. 

New parish improvement needs

Replacing of water heater            Tree Trimming Playground cleaning             Framing for two large icons

Asphalt crack repair- should be done before the weather gets cold            Roof repair- should be done asap

Eparchy Capital Campaign We are excited to share with you to the Vision for the Future – Mission for Today Capital Campaign video. Every parishioner will have the opportunity to support this historic campaign when Bishop Zaidan personal visits each parish and mission for a campaign event during 2019 and 2020.

In the meantime, we invite you to watch this video and see how your investment in this Campaign will play a role in strengthening the Maronite Catholic Church in the Eparchy of Our Lady of Lebanon of Los Angeles. Visit our website to view this video and others sharing more detail about our Campaign goals.

Need to learn more about our campaign? Invest a few minutes to read about it in detail. This is our case statement. It includes the who, what, where, when and why—and more—about the campaign and our plans. We need your support and believe that reading our case will allow you to make an informed decision about your investment in this landmark fundraising event for our Eparchy. Visit our website or to view our virtual booklet and learn more about our campaign goals.

St. Ignatius of Antioch      Announcement to Zachariah      November 17, 2019

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