St. Ignatius of Antioch 8th Week of Pentecost July 8, 2018
Enthronement of the Relics of the Blessed Massabki Brothers

Peyton and Eli Manning, and Venus and Serena Williams are the most famous American sibling sports professionals. Siblings often succeed together because of similar genetics and similar training. Sibling athletes might not only be bigger and stronger than average, they also have the same support and training from family and coaches. What might be more important however, is the source of competition. The siblings encourage and challenge each other.
As Christians we have the same parentage - God is our Father, we are born at baptism - and we are offered the same nourishment -the scriptures, prayer, and the Eucharist. We can all be great athletes of the faith, maybe what we need is the encouragement and challenge from each other. The Massabki brothers encouraged and challenged each others to live lives of heroic sanctity.
- Summer camp for kids (Registration Required): July 30th-Aug 3rd from 9:30am-2:30pm. Registration forms will be available in church or by email (upon request). Kindly fill and submit the registration form by July 22nd, 2018.
- Volunteers needed for the kids summer camp, volunteer all or part.
-Initiatives- To what is God calling you? What are your hopes, dreams, and ideas for our parish? What do you want to do? Mission, charity, prayers, work, fundraisers, or maintenance? How can we support you?
- Veneration and welcome of the relics of St. Sharbel Sunday, July 22 and Monday, July 23 7pm.
- Free college level Syriac course. July 16 - Aug 3 Monday - Friday 6 - 9 pm. Contact or 937-428-0372 for more information. Syriac, the most widely written dialect of Aramaic, is a language of great theological importance, both as the language of study to read 10 Aramaic chapters of the Old Testament and as the theological and liturgical language of the Maronite, Syriac, Malankara, and Malabara Churches as well as Eddesan and Antiochian Christianity. Syriac unlocks some of the most profound poetry of the Christian tradition.
- Our condolences to the family of John Elias Dagher brother of parishioner, Malik Dagher. Liturgy will be offered for John Elias Dagher at 11 am on July 29.
- Anyone interested in a attending a minor league baseball game? Let's go watch the Dayton Dragons- July 30th 7pm. $10 includes a hat and $5 goes to support a good cause.
- We have a great opportunity for our $15,000 matching grant, we are are at $2300 and can accept donations of $250 or more. The donations can go towards naming rights for any part of our building project.
- Pilgrimage trip to Our Lady of Lebanon Shrine and Basilica August 15. The approximate Schedule will be 12:30 pm until 1am.
- We are 50 days away from hosting The Greater Dayton Lebanese Festival. Sign up sheet will be available in the hall. With 250 volunteers, we only need to volunteer 3 hours each the weekend of the festival. With 125 volunteers, we only need to volunteer 6 hours each the weekend of the festival. We also need to volunteer for the preparation of the festival.
- Please turn in your pledges. Fr. Alex will begin calling this week to ask for pledges. Design meetings will begin soon. The majority of votes have been for building a $600,000 to $700,000 project on the property to include new church, parking, and upgraded to kitchen and hall. However, we are still short on firm commitments of pledges.We are at $1250 in committed monthly pledges with an additional $500-$1000 in soft pledges, "Father, you know we will pledge." There is much reason for optimism.
- Church-wide garage sale small fundraiser. Tentative date August 18, 8am - 3 pm under the tent. We will collect furniture and household donations to sell to benefit the Church. Coordinators and volunteers needed for pricing and selling.
Weekly events:
- No weekday liturgies this week. Liturgies will be on Sunday at 9 and 11 am.
- Bar Louis meet up Tuesday 8pm
- Children's Arabic class Saturday 10 am
- Adult Arabic class Saturday 11am
- Children's Dabke class Saturday 11 am
- Adult Dabke class Sunday 8 pm
- Children's Art class Saturday noon
- Bible Study Sunday 10am
- No English class this Wednesday from 7-9 pm.