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6th Sunday after Holy Cross

Writer's picture: stiparishorgstiparishorg

“Boldly make known the mystery of the Gospel” .- Ephesians 6:20

Jesus commanded the apostles, "Go therefore and make disciples of all nations." (Matthew 28:19) The apostles traveled far and wide making disciples not only of individuals, but also of nations. The apostles not only baptized people, but cultures, languages, and patrimonies. The early Church would find what was good, true, and beautiful in a culture and present it to God.

In Acts 17:23, Paul says to the Greeks, "For as I walked around and looked carefully at your objects of worship, I even found an altar with this inscription: to an unknown god. So you are ignorant of the very thing you worship--and this is what I am going to proclaim to you." Paul uses what was in their culture to lead them to the truth. Similarly, when Peter preaches to the Jews in Acts 2:14-41 he references the Jewish Scriptures. Peter preached to the Jews in language they could understand. In fact at Pentecost the Gospel was preached in each person's language.

In the Roman Empire, the Emperor and the Senate were the height of power. Students across the empire would study law, read Roman history, feel the power of empire and military strength. Military and empire language, as well as the study of law became the tools of conversion and proclamation.

In Greek regions the language of philosophy became a framework for explaining the Gospel.

The Apostles preached to Syriac speakers through using paradox and spontaneous verse of poets and and the Persian terminology of mystery.

Christian Syriac poetry and theology is uniquely suited to merge the culture of the Old Testament and an appreciation for the natural world with the Revelation in Jesus Christ. The genius of Syriac theology in general and Maronite theology in particular is how it presents the whole of Christianity as a united mystery.

Every night many Maronites pray,

"O Lord,as your rested on your cross you cried out: “Father, into your hands I commend my spirit.” We, therefore, commend our spirits into your hands, O Lord, tonight and all the days of our lives, but especially at the hour of our death, represented now by our sleep. To you we abandon our bodies, thoughts, feelings and all that we are. Keep us without stain that our sleep may glorify you. At the end of our days, may a peaceful sleep carry us to you, who neither slumbers nor sleeps. To you be glory, forever. Amen."

Our sleep, the death of Jesus, our deaths, and the immortality of God are presented as interrelated mysteries. Elsewhere we see the love, power, mercy, and justice of God all at once. We see Jesus Christ as the illuminator of the Old Testament bringing each event of salvation history and each prophecy to fulfillment.

When I celebrate the Maronite liturgy and in personal prayer I can encounter God and the mysteries of God. Our prayers and theology help me know God more intimately. God is so close to me. God is so close to each one of us.

- Fr. Alex Harb

- House of Bread 9 am-2 pm 9 Orth Ave, Dayton, OH 45402. Wednesday, October 23rd. Come serve and prepare lunch for the needy.

-Maronite Young Adults will be attending Theology on Tap Every Thursday this fall from September 19th until October 24th, meetup at 7 pm at the Oregon Express 336 E. 5th St., Dayton. Theme- “Beauty Will Save the World.” Come enjoy a drink or a meal as we learn more about beauty, God’s love, and faith. Open to all ages.

-Children’s Pumpkin Party Saturday 11 am - 3 pm Due to chance of rain we will meet at 50 Nutt Rd.

-40 day memorial liturgy for Halim Slilaty on Sunday, October 27th at 11 am.

-Church Organizing November 9th at 50 Nutt Rd.

-Pastoral Council Elections will be Sunday, November 24th at both liturgies. We would like to thank those whose three year term of service will end December 31st: Claire Daoud, Joe Eid, Al Faris, Marianna Hartshorne, Don Little, Rita Najem, William Thomas, Jim Zaidan, and Trish Zennie. Their contributions, dedication, consultation, initiatives, and leadership have served the parish through 3 administrators and the purchase of our new home. Please begin submitting your nominations of people, including yourself by turning in the names on a folded sheet of paper in the collection basket with “Nomination”,written on the outside now through October 20th.

-We are beginning a feasibility discussion for starting a Daycare. Please speak with Fr. Alex if you have input or would like to be involved in this discussion.

-We have had suggestions for a men’s club, for a grief support group, and for a retiree get-together club. Please let Fr. Alex know if you would have any interest in any of these groups.

-Thanksgiving Dinner Sunday, November 24th after the 11 am liturgy.

- Annual St. Ignatius of Antioch Banquet Saturday, December 14th with Bishop Elias at Yankee Trace at 7pm with live music planned $65 per person with discounted ticket for kids 12 and under.

-Photo directory- during the banquet and before and after the dedication December 14th and 15th, we will have the opportunity to take free family photos, you will receive a free directory.

-Consecration and dedication: Bishop Elias will consecrate and dedicate our new home on December 15th at 11.

-We will need at least 6 adults to read, 8 adults to dress the altar, and at least 10 youth for the processions for the dedication of our new Church.

- Initiatives- To what is God calling you? What are your hopes, dreams, and ideas for our parish? What do you want to do? Mission, charity, prayers, work, fundraisers, or maintenance? How can we support you?

-Religious education sign up. This year we have religious education for children 6 and up every Sunday after 11 am liturgy beginning October 27th. We hope to have classes for all ages.

-We need volunteers to read during the liturgy and to bring the gifts. If you would like to do so, please see George Najem for 11 am liturgy or Jim Zaidan for the 9 am Liturgy.

- Bible Study every Sunday at 10 am.

- Sunday liturgies 9 am and 11 am

- Confessions immediately before and after liturgies or by appointment.

St. Ignatius of Antioch 6th Sunday of Holy Cross October 20th, 2019

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