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5th Sunday After Holy Cross

Writer's picture: stiparishorgstiparishorg

Do all things without murmuring and arguing,

so that you may be blameless and innocent, children of God without blemish in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation, in which you shine like stars in the world. -Philippians 2:14-15

Paul envisions the Church as a community of peace, love, and respect. He envisions a Church that people would see or hear about and want to join. A Church whose members collectively “shine like stars in the world.”

In the Gospel, we hear about the five wise and five foolish bridesmaids whose readiness or lack thereof determines whether or not they can enter into the banquet. The wise bridesmaids have lampoil and at the appointed time light their lamps in the darkness and become part of the procession to the feast. Their holiness becomes part of the wedding feast just as their lamps become part of the beauty of the procession. They “shine like stars in the world.” The foolish bridesmaids who are not ready, who have no oil, miss their opportunity to enter the wedding feast. Their lack of shining results in their exclusion. 📷

Paul tells us that the world is perverse and crooked. Jesus’ parable presents the world as being in darkness. Regardless of the world we are in we can be light, because we can have the light of Christ in us. Our light can be light for others. Our light is meant to be held high and shined brightly.

I would beg people to look not only at their own actions, but at the actions of our parish and our families and see if there is peace and light that would turn others to God, or if there is murmuring and arguing that would drive others away. How we love our neighbors and how Christians love each other are themselves acts of proclamation of the Gospel that the kingdom of God has come, and that Jesus is among us.

-Greeter training after both liturgies on October 13th, it should take 15 minutes.

-Official launch of the Sunshine family club Friday, October 18th at 7pm wine and cheese party $10 per family. Please call Claire Daoud at 937 603-2541 or Layla Nassar at 9372869449 to RSVP

-Volunteers needed for Yellow Springs Street Fair October 12th 9-5. Volunteers needed to make Grape Leaves Wednesday, October 2 at 10am and Kefta on Thursday, October 3 at 5pm.

-We will host an open house October 19th and 20th with evening prayer and a blessing with the relic of St. Ignatius of Antioch on October 19th at 6 PM followed by light refreshments and a question and answer session on "Who are the Maronites?" Liturgies on Sunday, October 20th will be at 9 am and 11 am with a lecture on Maronite history and spirituality. Please volunteer to be a greeter/host at this event by submitting your name, number, and the word “greeter” or “host” on a sheet of paper in the collection basket.

- House of Bread 9 am-2 pm 9 Orth Ave, Dayton, OH 45402. Wednesday, October 23rd.Come serve and prepare lunch for the needy.

-Maronite Young Adults will be attending Theology on Tap Every Thursday this fall from September 19th until October 24th, meetup at 7 pm at the Oregon Express 336 E. 5th St., Dayton. Theme- “Beauty Will Save the World.” Come enjoy a drink or a meal as we learn more about beauty, God’s love, and faith. Open to all ages.

-Home Bible Q & A! Do you have questions about faith or the Bible? Host a Home Bible Q & A. 1) Schedule a date and location with Fr. Alex. 2) Invite your friends. 3) Prepare your questions. Note: this is not a Bible study or Bible meditation, which anyone can initiate

-Kids Kickoff Party October 26th more information to follow.

-40 day memorial liturgy for Halim Slilaty on Sunday, October 27th at 11 am.

-Pastoral Council Elections will be Sunday, November 24th at both liturgies. We would like to thank those whose three year term of service will end December 31st: Claire Daoud, Joe Eid, Al Faris, Marianna Hartshorne, Don Little, Rita Najem, William Thomas, Jim Zaidan, and Trish Zennie. Their contributions, dedication, consultation, initiatives, and leadership have served the parish through 3 administrators and the purchase of our new home. Please begin submitting your nominations of people, including yourself by turning in the names on a folded sheet of paper in the collection basket with “Nomination”,written on the outside now through October 20th.

-We are beginning a feasibility discussion for starting a Daycare. Please speak with Fr. Alex if you have input or would like to be involved in this discussion.

-We have had suggestions for a men’s club, for a grief support group, and for a retiree get-together club. Please let Fr. Alex know if you would have any interest in any of these groups.

-Thanksgiving Dinner Sunday, November 24th after the 11 am liturgy.

- Annual St. Ignatius of Antioch Banquet Saturday, December 14th with Bishop Elias.

-Consecration and dedication: Bishop Elias will consecrate and dedicate our new home on December 15th at 11.

- Initiatives- To what is God calling you? What are your hopes, dreams, and ideas for our parish? What do you want to do? Mission, charity, prayers, work, fundraisers, or maintenance? How can we support you?

-Religious education sign up. This year we are planning to have religious education every Sunday after 11 am liturgy. We hope to have classes for all ages. Please submit a form into the collection basket with your name, number, email address, and your child(ren)’s name(s), age, and grade.

- Our prayers for those who are recently engaged in our parish.

- Our prayers for new births and new parents in our parish.

- Bible Study every Sunday at 10 am.

- Sunday liturgies 9 am and 11 am

- Confessions immediately before and after liturgies or by appointment.

- The festival numbers are $41,077.92 Net Profits

- Yellow Springs Street Fair- $4985.

New parish improvement needs

Replacing of water heater Weeding Tree Trimming Playground cleaning

Framing for two large icons Asphalt crack repair- should be done before the weather gets cold

St. Ignatius of Antioch 5th Sunday of Holy Cross October 13, 2019

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50 Nutt Rd. Dayton, OH 45458

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