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14th Sunday of Pentecost

Writer's picture: stiparishorgstiparishorg

"Conduct yourselves as worthy of the God who calls you into his kingdom and glory." -1 Thesselonians 2:12

I have recently heard the quote, "You're a human being, not a human doing."  Our deepest identity is not what we do. Yet, so often do we begin getting to know someone by asking, "What do you do?" In the Gospel for this Sunday we see Martha working to serve Jesus. Mary on the other hand is sitting with Jesus listening to Him, being with Him. Martha is giving her service. Mary is giving herself. Martha wants the approval of Jesus, Mary wants Jesus. As a parish we have done much work, we have put on a successful festival and have moved into a new Church. We have given our service. We must give our selves. There is no peace, no joy, no self-understanding comparable to that to be found in our Lord, Jesus Christ. There is no better use of a minute, an hour or an eternity than to worship God. In the midst of our work, our duties, our charity, and our task we must worship God. However, work must not consume us, if we are free we must freely give time to God. This time we give to God we also give to ourselves, because in God we become ourselves, in prayer we become human "beings". - This Sunday we would like to continue soliciting suggestions about space use and hall/ kitchen renovation for our new home. The Pastoral Committee has prepared an optional feedback sheet that any parishioner may fill out to submit suggestions. -St. Vincent dePaul dinner service September 7th, 7pm at 1921 S Gettysburg Ave, Dayton, OH 45417. -One year memorial for Georgette Haddad mother of Rita Najem on Sunday September 15th 11 am. -Kids Kickoff Party October 26th more information to follow.  -Barbeque and camp out at our new church October 4, 7pm- 11am tents available.

-We will host an open house October 19th and 20th with evening prayer and a blessing with the relic of St. Ignatius of Antioch on October 19th at 6 PM followed by light refreshments and a question and answer session on "Who are the Maronites?" Liturgies on Sunday, October 20th will be at 9 am and 11 am with a lecture on Maronite history and spirituality. Please volunteer to be a greeter at this event.

Annual St. Ignatius of Antioch Banquet Saturday, December 14th with Bishop Elias.

-Consecration and dedication: Bishop Elias will consecrate and dedicate our new home on December 15th at 11 am.

Initiatives- To what is God calling you? What are your hopes, dreams, and ideas for our parish? What do you want to do? Mission, charity, prayers, work, fundraisers, or maintenance? How can we support you? -We need volunteers to read during the liturgy and to bring the gifts. If you would like to do so, please see George Najem for 11 am liturgy or Jim Zaidan for the 9 am Liturgy. The final festival numbers are not yet set as receipts are still coming in. This year our festival grossed approximately $57,000. This is our best year ever, 25% more than last year and 5% more than 2017. Thank you to all who volunteered and donated to our festival. Fr. Alex will prepare a thank you luncheon for everyone this Sunday, September 8th after both liturgies.

- Please pray for parishioner Jessy Eid and her new husband John Dohar as they begin their new life together 

- Bible Study every Sunday at 10 am.

Sunday liturgies 9 am and 11 am

Confessions immediately before and after liturgies or by appointment.

St. Ignatius of Antioch 14th Sunday of Pentecost September 8, 2019

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