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2nd Sunday after Epiphany January 19, 2020

Writer's picture: stiparishorgstiparishorg
  1. "For we do not proclaim ourselves; we proclaim Jesus Christ as Lord and ourselves as your slaves for Jesus’ sake." - Corinthians 4:5

  2. John pointed his disciples to Jesus. Andrew brought his brother Simon, who would later become Peter, to Jesus. We can invite our friends and family to meet Jesus. First, we meet Him as the Messiah as our savior, then we tell others about Him. Imagine a new restaurant.  Now imagine three people: one has been to that restaurant and eaten a wonderful meal, one has been inside the restaurant, but did not eat, one has never been to the restaurant. One says, "I heard there is a new restauarant." One says, "there is a new restaurant, but I have not eaten there." One says, "this new restaurant  has wonderful food I want to take you back there with me." It is not enough to have been in a church, even regularly, unless one also makes the effort and has the openness to meet Jesus. When we meet Jesus we will want to tell everyone about Him, that they might share in the feast. May St. John the Baptist and St. Andrew pray for us that all in our parish might meet Jesus and then invite others to join in the feast. -Fr. Alex Parish family photos please submit photos of your family if you would like to be in the directory. Please find printable photos at the link below., we will not be cleaning the old kitchen on Friday January 17.  Friday, January 17 cleaning of kitchen at old property 5915 N Springboro Pike 10am-2pm. Please call Trish Zenni at 937-901-6643 to get into the building.Preparing dinner at House of Bread Tuesday, January 21 9am - 2 pm at 9 Orth Ave.   Pastoral Council Meeting January 21 at 7pm. All are welcome to attend: Agenda: Prayer, elections, evangelization and mission, yearly calendar, activity coordinating (greeters, safe environment, family life, etc.)Serving dinner at St. Vincent de Paul Men's Shelter  - every first Saturday of the month at 6:30 pm. Saturday, February 1 at 6:30 pm at 1921 S. Gettysburg.Volunteer! We need help with: Data entry/ typing (4+ hours) Electrical (replacing ballast) Valentine's Party February 14th at St. Ignatius Church $35 for adults, $20 for children Women's retreat February 15th in Columbus, OH all women are invited all ages. 7am - 3pm. Men's retreat February 22nd in Columbus, OH all men are welcome all ages. 7am-3pm Immaculée llibagiza Retreat Registration now available!!! IImmaculée Ilibagiza, author of Left to Tell, Discovering God Amidst the Rwandan Holocaust, is speaking at St. Ignatius of Loyola Church on Feb. 21, 5pm-9pm & Feb. 22, 9am-12:30pm. Registration can be found here:, or call the parish office at 513.661.6565 if you are unable to register online. Video links to Immaculée’s 60 Minutes interview and CBS Early Show interview: 60 Minutes The Ephrem family would like to invite you to the baptism of Laurette, Alessandra, and George children of George and Kendra Ephrem after the 11 am liturgy on February 9th.The Hartshorn family would like to invite you to the baptism of Peter Hartshorn, son of Nathan and Mariana Hartshorn (nee AbouJaoude) after the 11 am liturgy on February 23We have to pay back $200,000 zero-interest loan. We have applied for a loan from the Knights of Columbus. We will most likely be taking out a $200,000 (rather than $150,000) loan within the next weeks. The loan has 4% interest and a 5 year term. However, we would prefer $200,000 in new donations to retire the loan.January 12, Sunday Collection- $1,100 Our hall is available! If you or anyone you know is interested in using the church hall or church basement for a party or event please call 937-428-0372. We have classroom spaces that we could lease out under the right conditions. If you or a friend need temporary or long term space please call 937-428-0372.Eparchy Capital Campaign came and said, “I have not come to be served, but to serve.” The Eparchy of Our Lady of Lebanon of Los Angeles is blessed to have such dedicated and loving priests. As leaders of our faith family, these men have kept our Eparchy vibrant and spiritual throughout their years of committed service. Because they have answered a call to serve us it leaves us with a clear moral obligation. We must ensure the most basic needs of our past, present and future priests are met.Watch our campaign video and learn more about how the Vision for the Future – Mission for Today Capital Campaign will benefit our retired priests who have so faithfully served our Maronite faith communities.

St. Ignatius of Antioch Church      2nd Sunday after Epiphany          January 19, 2019

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